Monday- Day 109

1. SSR
2. Counterclaim Assessment:
- I only graded what was highlighted (you might or might not have what is needed)
-Highlighting Key (some of you need this because you did not highlight)
Main Point 1
Main Point 2
Rebuttal 1
Rebuttal 2
- Here is a little tip you keep you organized and keep focus (I know what you are supposed to be arguing can get mixed up in your head)

  • Claim- kids should have the freedom to wear what they want
  • Counterclaim- Schools should require kids to wear uniforms
  • Here is where it gets confusing, so I have a suggestion for you to keep your focus
  • Main Point (set-up)- "Proponents of school uniforms argue........"                                                                                    "Supporters of school uniforms believe....."
  • Rebuttal- Refute that main point
  • Main Point (set-up)- "People against allowing students to have freedom of choice in their attire maintain......" 
  •                            "Opponents to student choice state....." 
  • Rebuttal-Refute that main point
2. Grammar- Subject+Verb agreement

3. Graphic Organizer- Hidden Injury needs to completed for tomorrow

HW- Finish reading The Hidden Injury and complete the graphic organizer for it.  

While you are given time in class, some of you are not getting the necessary work done.  Therefore, you need to work at home.  This is a college course, and as such, YOU need to figure out the necessary time management for getting your work done.  For some of you, you either need to start being more efficient in class, or more work NEEDS to be done outside of class!


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