Friday- Day 98

1. SSR or complete book log- book talks will be on March 6th
2. Vocab- Here is the deal:
   - Write two sentences for each word (affable, beguile, culpable)
   - 1 sentence is a example of the word-the other sentence is a non-example
   - Partner up and read your sentences
   - Your partner will tell you which is the example and which is the non-example and WHY
   - You will do this with two partners

Example- Mar- to impair the appearance of or disfigure (spoil, ruin, blemish)
EX1- The student's reputation was MARRED by scoring a perfect score on the SAT
EX2- The student's reputation was MARRED by his cheating on the SAT
Which is the example and which is the non-example?

3. join no red ink

HW- Your paragraphs and "Independent Research Article" are due TUESDAY!


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