Friday-Day 46

1. Book Talks
   - Copy and Paste your book log HERE! (Yes, you are getting graded on it)
   - Select a leader-  This person will make sure that one person does not talk too long and move the conversation to the next topic if it's died our or not going anywhere.
   - Select a starter- This person will decide the order of the discussion.  You will be talking about questions 1,3,6,8,10,12.  THE CONVERSATION MUST START WITH QUESTION 1
   - Select a time keeper- this person will make sure the conversation on each topic goes for at least 2 minutes but not more than 4 minutes
   - Select a questioner- This person's job will be to ask questions of the people in the group (this means you need to listen and pay attention) if the conversation is drying up, but the group has not spent 2 minutes on the topic.

What am I looking for?
  • A positive attitude and experience
  • A genuine conversation about your book
  • You are engaged in the discussion and paying attention (evidence by asking questions and participating)
  • You are respectful of the others in your group
  • If the conversation is good, you might not get to all the topics-that's okay
What am I NOT looking for?
  • A "mean mug" and sour attitude
  • Silence- it kills
  • Groups off task
  • Minimal participation
2. Run-on Sentences
3. Vocab- from the stigma reading
4. Jigsaw and SLPL


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