
Showing posts from January, 2020

Friday-Day 103

1. SSR or update the book loge 2.  Self-Eval 3. Vocab- disdain, emulate, fastidious 4. No Red Ink- Friday Practice

Thursday- Day 102

1. Claim-Counterclaim-Rebuttal examples 2. Begin your paragraphs

Wednesday- Day 101

1. Continue counter claim activity from yesterday 2. Begin writing counterclaims

Tuesday-Day 100

1. Continue the Counterclaim handout from yesterday 2.  Counterclaim Activity 3.  Home Work

Monday- Day 99

1. SSR 2. Subject+Verb Agreement 3. Counterclaim paragraph example HW: 1) Paragraphs 2) Independent Article 1

Friday- Day 98

1. SSR or  complete book log - book talks will be on March 6th 2. Vocab- Here is the deal:    - Write two sentences for each word (affable, beguile, culpable)    - 1 sentence is a example of the word-the other sentence is a non-example    - Partner up and read your sentences    - Your partner will tell you which is the example and which is the non-example and WHY    - You will do this with two partners Example- Mar- to impair the appearance of or disfigure (spoil, ruin, blemish) EX1- The student's reputation was MARRED by scoring a perfect score on the SAT EX2- The student's reputation was MARRED by his cheating on the SAT Which is the example and which is the non-example? 3.  join no red ink HW- Your paragraphs and "Independent Research Article" are due TUESDAY!

Thursday- Day 97

1. Revise your work based off the feedback your partner has given you. Time Line: - You will have class time today. Your work is due at the end of the period Tuesday for a QUIZ grade.  You might have to do some work at home. I will check to make sure the following is done: - independent research doc and peer edit are done (HW grade) - Paragraphs (quiz grade)

Wednesday- Day 96

1. Continue the peer edit from yesterday    - I can catch you up if you were not here yesterday 2. Once the peer edits are completed, you should begin revising your paragraph

Tuesday-Day 95

1. SSR 2.  Let's help a kid from East 3.  Peer Edit    1. Let's talk about the doc    2. Find a partner or group of three    3. Name the doc like this: J. Rossetti peer edit of D. Tapia

Friday- Day 90

1. SSR- 20 minutes 2. Vocab- please complete the following: - Write two sentences for each of the three words we are working with-write them on the vocab packet you have recieved (you completed the vocab sheets last Friday) - Share your sentences with a partner - Ms. Passalino will put 1-2 examples of each word on the board 3. Complete your Independent Paragraphs Homework- Complete your independent paragraphs.  They are due MONDAY!

Thursday- Day 89

1. Write your paragraph on the issue you have been reading about.  Below is the format: - Claim (what is the argument you will be making) - General explanation of the issue and why it matters - Evidence (you need to set it up and drop it in word for word) - Reasoning (explain how your evidence proves your claim) Paragraph must be at least 12 sentences (that is a minimum.  Feel free to do more) Create a new doc and call it INDEPENDENT RESEARCH TOPIC 1 PARAGRAPH 1 Homework: These paragraphs are due Monday.  You will have some time to work tomorrow.  You will probably need to do some work at home tonight.  Please plan accordingly.

Wednesday- Day 88

You have the entire period to complete your Independent Article #1 Comprehension Activity .  This was started earlier in the week.  It is due tomorrow. Homework: Get the Article Comprehension Activity done.

Tuesday- Day 87

Meet in the media center for book selection.  Get a book you will enjoy and want to read! You will be in the Media Center the entire period.  Start to read your book after you have selected it.

Monday- Day 86

- I know I am breaking with the schedule I shared with you last week.  We will start SSR tomorrow because we are going to the Media Center tomorrow. 1. Go to No Red Ink (you created an account the other day) and complete Subject + Verb Practice #2 2. Continue working on -  Complete the Article #1-Comprehension Activity 3. Meet in the Media Center tomorrow Homework: You need to have your article read and the comprehension activity done for class on Thursday.  You will have time again to work on this Wednesday.  You WILL need to do some work outside of class.  Please plan accordingly.

Friday- Day 85

1. Grammar (only until we get our SSR books)- Go to NO RED INK (you created an account yesterday)  Complete the practice that is listed for today 2. Vocab     Here are the words: Affable, Beguile, Culpable     Listen to Ms. Passalino use the words in a sentence.  Try to use the context to figure out the meaning of the words.     Complete the Vocab Handout Vocab Goals - I need to create a routine (I dropped the ball last semester) - You need to put your best foot forward 3. Continue your independent research project (you started this yesterday)

Thursday-Day 84

1. Finish the movie 2.  Go to NOREDINK - log in with Google and create an account 3. Complete the "Subject+Verb" agreement quiz.  This is as much of a quiz of your knowledge as it is of my and my ability to properly set-up internet based learning tools. 4. Below is an outline of the semester.  Please take a few minutes and red over what we will be doing over the next 18 week: - Semester Outline      -2 argumentative essays         - 4 weeks to work on these (readings and pre-writing)         - 1 week to wrap up the writing         - 3 days to revise after the work has been graded       - 2 units of independent study           - 3 weeks to investigate a topic, write claim/counterclaim paragraphs, peer edit, revise, and submit to me for feedback and a grade     - SSR         - You will select and independent book to read         - Start and end the week with SSR         - Complete a book log and a book talk (date TBA) - Grammar        - Start the week wit

Wednesday-Day 83

1. Continue watching Silver Linings Playbook 

Tuesday-Day 82

1. Welcome back to EIV CRW.  To the new students, welcome!! 2. Time to watch  Silver Linings Playbook